Maia Pearson Campaign Issues

    • Increase educator and building staff pay and fully fund classrooms by changing the state funding formula, implementing inflationary increases, and ensuring school boards have the resources to pay staff adequately and keep resources closest to the classroom. This can also be done by increasing the share of public education funding in the state budget according to the Wisconsin school finance proposal.

    • Provide universal free lunch across the state by collaborating with stakeholders such as farmers, markets, youth and community organizations, parents, and students, using successful templates from other states like Michigan and Minnesota.

    • Continue to stand with the public university system against culture war attacks and GOP defunding

    • Repeal Act 10 and restore collective bargaining rights for unions, ensuring support in legislative bodies and collaboration with stakeholders to effectively impact working families.

    • Establish a livable minimum wage, moving from the initial fight for $15 to $20 to reflect the current cost of living, benefiting both large corporations and small businesses through capacity-building grants and other resources.

    • Eliminate the tipped minimum wage in Wisconsin.

    • Close the gender and racial wealth and pay gaps.

    • Maintain & preserve the Wisconsin Retirement System

    • Support resources for elderly and disabled Wisconsinites

    • Pass Wisconsin’s Green New Deal to address climate change and promote sustainable energy, job creation, and environmental conservation across the state.

    • Prioritize PFAS mitigation across the state by implementing stringent regulations and providing funding for cleanup efforts to protect our water sources and public health.

    • Reduce corporate greenhouse gas emissions by enforcing stricter environmental regulations and promoting the adoption of renewable energy sources among Wisconsin's businesses.

    • Protect our parks and our waterways

    • Repeal Wisconsin’s archaic 1849 abortion ban to protect women's rights and ensure access to safe and legal abortion. Codify abortion rights in the Wisconsin constitution to safeguard reproductive freedom from future legislative changes.

    • Expand access to reproductive health care in Wisconsin’s cities and rural communities by increasing funding for clinics and telehealth services, ensuring all residents have access to necessary care.

    • Mandate and fund comprehensive reproductive education in schools to provide students with accurate information and empower them to make informed decisions about their health and relationships.